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Logical Printers

The ability to set logical printers has been implemented. Setting a printer as the default printer will automatically direct all reports, other than sales order printing to the default printer. The upgrade process and the installing of Jiwa.XML automatically directs menu and form reports to the default Windows printer for each user. Additional printers can be added as required


1. System Logical Printers.
2. Right mouse click in the Window - Add Printer or click on the New icon.
3. New printer icon is populated into the tree.
4. Right mouse click New Printer icon and select Properties.
5. Enter in a description for the printer.
6. Select a Device name from the list box.
7. Apply and OK.
8. Right mouse click and select Set as Default Printer (if required).
9. All reports that were set to the Default printer are now re-directed to the HP Warehouse Printer.


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